
free verse: Old age in balance

introduction: If you grow too old to work hard enough to solve life, you approach your eternal nap, which will be in the same void from which you awoke.

As with anything in life, aging has both costs and benefits:
  • Costs include learning that:
    • Death is certain.
    • Random illnesses are inconvenient; nothing cures death.
    • Old age is nature's punishment for living too long.
    • Life is complex; you may live only if you find enough work.
    • Life is expensive; though you have only one, you must continuously earn it.
  • Benefits include accepting that:
    • Death is certain.
    • Random illnesses are inevitable; death cures everything.
    • Old age is nature's reward for living carefully.
    • Death is simple; you may die only when you relax enough.
    • Death is cheap; though you have only one, it's forever free.